GameStop Employee Goes Off on Influencer Attempting to Sell Him Fake DIY ‘Virtual Reality Device’

If you work in a service job, you always run the risk of being part of some content creator’s prank — or, if they’re more refined, “social experiment.”

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 year ago in Funny

If you work in a service job, you always run the risk of being part of some content creator’s prank — or, if they’re more refined, “social experiment.”

If you work in a service job, you always run the risk of being part of some content creator’s prank — or, if they’re more refined, “social experiment.”

This rarely ends well for the content creator. At best, they’ll get someone to give them a half-laugh and quietly wish for them to stop existing. At worst, they’ll be shot, as this YouTuber was during a prank attempt at a shopping mall.

The point is, if you try to mess with service workers, be ready to feel their wrath.

Case in point: TikToker Brenden (@brendenlmao). Brenden is a comedian (?) who goes to stores and makes ridiculous requests of the minimum-wage workers. Ha. Ha ha ha.

In this iteration, Brenden has gone to GameStop to sell his “virtual reality device.” The “device” is actually just a steering wheel attached to an Xbox 360. It also includes a vibrating PlayStation Move controller with two additional balls attached to it so that it looks like a dick.

The GameStop worker initially responds how anyone in their right mind would respond: telling him to fuck off in the nicest way possible. Gesturing away from the desk, he tells Brenden to “take this little concoction and take it back where you got it from.”

This isn’t the reaction Brenden clearly wants, so he pokes the bear, accusing the worker of “insulting” his “items.” Eventually, the worker cracks, clearly dictating the words, “You tried to insult my intelligence” before telling him, this time in more explicit terms, to leave. Congrats, Brenden! Great comedy.

The comments on this video truly showcase the TikTok/Reddit divide. On TikTok, the comments were almost entirely Team Brenden, with commenters writing things like, “I swear the GameStop employee acts like they are the TOP sales exec at a major company,” and “I’ve never seen a GameStop employee that doesn’t have an attitude.”

On Reddit, however, the mood was decidedly anti-Brendan. “‘Influencers’ really need to learn to recognize when the person they’re bothering isn’t interested, and move along,” stated one Redditor. “Sadly too say this is exactly the reaction this so called ‘influencer’ was going for. Did the employee overreact a little, sure, but peeps need to learn to leave others alone,” echoed another.

Thankfully, there’s always a high probability that videos like these are fake. While Brenden claims that he has “zero 0 fake videos,” it’s a bit weird that the GameStop employee’s audio is super clear and that he doesn’t seem to notice the other person filming the entire encounter.

Still, that doesn’t mean that influencers can’t be absolute shitheads to service workers — as many, many other stories corroborate.

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